Sunday, 30 September 2012

Mud pools, Hakas and sheep shearers

Before arriving in Rotorua we stopped at the steaming mudpools - there’s not a lot I can say about these.  The only thing that you are missing here is the smell - really, really rotten eggs.

From there we went to a Maori Haka.  Great fun, if a little cold, as we had to tour the village before we had a meal.  This culminated with a view of the pit that our food was cooking in.
Just when I thought my nose was going to fall off we went in to the warmth of the marae( village hall) and heard something of the Maori culture and saw some displays of dancing and weapons.  

Then it was on to the meal, which was very good.  It’s interesting how how a pit, some hot rocks, wooden staffs, sacking and a ton of earth or sand can produce a tasty meal but some folk on reality TV with all mod”cons” can’t.
This morning it was on to the sheep shearing, which believe it or not was an interesting, fun show.  It proved that you can train almost anything - dogs, sheep, ducks, and sometimes humans.

Lastly we went to see some kiwis.  Unfortunately I don’t have any photos of these as they are nocturnal birds.  We were able to go in and see them in their own habitats but not to photograph them.  They are smaller than I thought and according to out guide, very anti-social - absolutely amazing nevertheless.

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