Friday 5 October 2012

Groundhog Day - well sort of....

So far I have crossed the equator twice, the international date line once, been through 4 time zones and gained an hour because of daylight saving.  Time wise I was in front of everyone until I arrived here in Hawaii.  I left Auckland on 4th October, arrived here on 3rd and am now 11 hours behind all of you at home.  It’s Ground hog day because it’s now 4 October again - except that I haven’t spent the whole day traveling.

Instead I pottered around Honolulu in a wee trolley bus for most of the day jumping on and off when the fancy took me.  I did a bit of “Kulturr” as they say in Glasgow, a bit of Barnes and Nobling and walked along the beach.  Nothing too taxing, I needed a break.
Honolulu is very attractive but it is really 5.5 miles of high rise buildings which are businesses of one sort or another.  The streets are lined with beautiful plants, trees and expensive shops. and   The mix of all the different ethnicities in the locals has produced some very beautiful people. Anyway my brain isn’t working now so here’s some pictures of the beach....

surfboards( it is Hawaii after all)
and the first surfer dude who brought surfing to everyone’s attention - outside Hawaii that is.  He is decorated with the leis you get when you arrive at the airport.

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